Ai sensi della Legge 7 marzo 2001 n°62, si dichiara che Culture Teatrali non rientra nella categoria di "informazione periodica" in quanto viene aggiornato ad intervalli non




Bloomsbury Theatre - London

Saturday 10 November 2012


The Society for Pirandello Studies in collaboration with UCL Italian Department (SELCS), AGM and Annual Conference


The annual one-day conference of the Society for Pirandello Studies aims to embrace a wide variety of methods and approaches to Pirandello’s oeuvre, and to bring together theatre professionals, critics and scholars representing a range of disciplines.



09.30 a.m.    Annual General Meeting (Bloomsbury Theatre, Rehearsal Room, 1st Floor)

10.00 a.m.      Registration and Coffee

10.15 a.m.      John C. Barnes (University College Dublin), President’s Opening Remarks

10.20 a.m.      Ann Caesar (University of Warwick), Self and Other, Imitation and Originality: Pirandello's Appropriation of Goldoni

10.50 a.m.      Gabriella Caponi-Doherty (University College Cork), Tuda: Servant of Two Masters

11.05 a.m.       Enza De Francisci (University College London), The Female Self: From Quando si è capito il giuoco to Il giuoco delle parti

11.20 a.m.              Discussion

11.30 a.m.              PERFORMANCE I
John Champagne (Penn State Erie, The Behrend College), The Unknown Woman as Man: Gender Identity and Come tu mi vuoi

11.50 a.m.             Coffee

12.05 p.m.         Bart Van den Bossche (University of Leuven), Pirandello and the Short Story: Genres and Writers in Search of an Identity

12.20 p.m.         Mattia Marino (University of Bangor), From Ghosts to Devils: Six Stage Selves Made of Frost with Brass

12.35 p.m.         Giuseppe Liotta (University of Bologna), L’identità “nascosta” nel Liolà di Pirandello

1.05 p.m.              Discussion

1.20 p.m.               Lunch

2.30 p.m.               Keynote Lecture
Claudio Vicentini (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples), Pirandello and Identity: The Condition of the Person and the History of the Character

3.30 p.m.               WoH Productions: PERFORMANCES 2 and 3
Starring Marco Gambino, directed by Manuela Ruggiero
Scenes from Six Characters in Search of an Author, and Il berretto a sonagli

3.50 p.m.         Coffee Break

4.00 p.m.     Ghosts, Witches, and the Effects of an Interrupted Dream by Enzo Lauretta and Terry d’Alfonso

4.30 p.m.         CLOSE

Registration Form and Cost, write to:
You can also register by e-mail and pay on the day.

Students: Free Entry

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