16, primavera 2007 [ESAURITO] TEATRO E NEUROSCIENZE L’apporto delle neuroscienze cognitive a una nuova teatrologia sperimentale A cura di Francesca Bortoletti
Marco De Marinis Introduzione
Richard Schechner What is needed today in the collaboration between performance theorists and the sciences
Vittorio Gallese Il corpo teatrale: mimetismo, neuroni specchio, simulazione incarnata
Maria Giulia Guiducci Teatro e neuroscienze: elementi per una neurobiologia della scena
Jean-Marie Pradier Théâtre et neurosciences. Ou l’interminable aporie
Richard Muscat - John J. Schranz What is it to be human? A theatre neuroscience perspective
Antonello Colimberti Marcel Jousse e una “nuova teatrologia dei sensi” William O. Beeman The neurobiology of Opera
Nicole Daunic Mirror neurons: the neurological threshold between stage and reality
Ivar Hagendoorn Can dance be disgusting or is it forever doomed to aestheticism?
Madeleine Barchevska BioArt training: the first building block of a newly powerful theatre. A practioner’s remarks about mirror neurons and the scientific and artistic implications of the discovery
Francesca Bortoletti L’attore, lo specchio, lo spettatore. Una relazione mimetica