Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna ITEM N. 1 - Italian Committee of I.C.T.M.


Number 1 (20 September 1994)


1. FOREWARD: What is ITEM and how to retrieve it?

ITEM (Italian EthnoMusicology) is the electronic Bulletin of the Italian National Committee of the International Council for Traditional Music. The Bulletin is open to contributions from all Italian scholars of ethnomusicology and foreign scholars who deal with Italian music or issues of general interest. The Bulletin publishes news, brief articles (for example, papers read at a conference, meeting, study group and so on - no more than 3000 words), reviews, comments and information. Contributions are welcome. Send your messages and files to Tullia Magrini (e-mail address: <MAGRINI@BIBLIO.CINECA.IT>, subject: ITEM). ITEM may be retrieved as a text from or as an hypertext (Mosaic or X-Mosaic) from <> or <>

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Marcello Sorce Keller,
"Of Minority Musics, Preservation, and Multiculturalism: Some Considerations"

3. REPORT: Meeting of the SIE Study Group on Ballad

Groups of folk music performing at the meeting

A meeting of the Study Group on the Ballad of the Societa' Italiana di Etnomusicologia was held in Ravascletto (Udine), 10-11 September 1994, in cooperation with the Italian National Committee of the ICTM. Participants: Roberto Calabretto (Conservatorio di Fermo), Lidia Calderoli (EHESS, Paris), Elena Giusti (Universita' di Firenze), Riccardo Grazioli (Archivi della Comunicazione orale- Regione Lombardia), Gian Paolo Gri (Universita' di Udine), Roberto Leydi (Universita' di Bologna), Ignazio Macchiarella, Tullia Magrini (Universita' di Bologna), Sandra Mantovani (chairperson), Renato Morelli (RAI), Marco Rossitti, Pietro Sassu (Universita' di Udine), Roberto Starec, Gastone Venturelli (Universita' di Firenze), Susanna Venturi.

Riccardo Grazioli presented a computer-assisted system for the classification of the musical documents of the Archivi della Comunicazione orale-Regione Lombardia. Riccardo Grazioli explained the rules he adopted to classify ballads with regard to verbal features. Then a discussion on questions concerning the musical aspects of Italian ballads was opened. Macchiarella presented the analysis of a part of the repertoire of Teresa Viarengo (a well known singer of ballads) according to the method proposed in Magrini 1982. Magrini stressed the importance of the study of context, a kind of work which was not yet done and may explain some peculiar musical features of Italian ballads. The discussion will be taken up again at the next meeting of the group, in spring 1995.


Magrini, Tullia - Vi do la buonasera. Studi sul canto popolare in Romagna: il repertorio lirico. Bologna, Clueb, 1982.

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4. NEWS: ICTM Study Group meeting in Venice


A meeting of the ICTM Study Group of "The Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures" will be held in Venice, June 1-3, 1995. Theme: "Past and Present: Perspectives for the Anthropology of Mediterranean Music". The Levi Foundation will host the meeting, which is organized in cooperation with the Italian National Committee of the ICTM. Whoever is interested in attending the meeting may contact the Levi Foundation, Palazzo Giustinian Lolin, S. Vidal 2893, 30124 Venezia, Italy (tel. 41.786711, fax. 41.786751).

The proceedings of the first conference of the STG are available: Antropologia della musica e culture mediterranee, ed. Tullia Magrini. Bologna:Il Mulino. 1993.


The Center for African Studies is a non profit organization involved in research and promotion of African cultures in Italy. It has been founded by public institutions and by the Universita' degli Studi di Torino from where are coming the scientific committe and most of the researchers. For the 1994-1995, in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology of the Universita' di Torino, we are starting a program in ethnomusicology and we would like to receive researchers and musicians from all the countries interested in African musics and cultures to realize seminars, conferencies, workshops, concerts and, eventually to start a collaboration. For information and to receive the program of our activities, please write to: < > or

Dr. Giovanni Ramello Centro Studi Africani Palazzo Chiablese Piazza S.Giovanni, 2 10121 Torino - Italy ph.: +39.11.4365006 fax: +39.11.4366044

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5. RECEIVED: Books and CDs

- Books (not generally available in bookshops)

Roberto Starec, Il repertorio etnomusicale istro-veneto. Catalogo delle registrazioni 1983-91. Trieste: Istituto Regionale per la Cultura Istriana. 1991. [Catalogue of 900 items recorded by Roberto Starec in the north-eastern region of Istria during the years 1983- 91. The recordings are available at the Istituto Regionale per la Cultura Istriana in Trieste]

Piera Wassermann, I canti popolari narrativi del Friuli. Udine: Societa' Filologica Friulana. 1991. [Narrative songs collected in the north-eastern region of Friuli]

Viva lo re, viva l'amor. Canti popolari della Garfagnana, ed. by Daniela Menchelli. S.l.: Edizioni della rocca. 1992 [Folk Songs collected in the central region of Tuscany and transcribed by the folk group "La Muffrina"]

- CDs

Sardegna. Confraternite delle voci. Orosei. Canti liturgici di tradizione orale. Micromedia 1994. Booklet by Martino Corimbi (text in Italian, Sardinian, English, French) [Liturgical songs in polyphonic style from Sardinia]

Send articles, replies, news, reviews, diss. abstracts, questions to <MAGRINI@BIBLIO.CINECA.IT>.

Editor: Tullia Magrini

Advisory Board:
Marcello Sorce Keller
Nico Staiti
Placida Staro

Hypertext MakeUp: Maurizio Morini

Copyright: Authors retain copyright but allow ITEM to publish, distribute, and archive the text electronically. After it has appeared in ITEM, the paper may be republished in any form the author wishes, electronically or in a paper journal, on the condition that the original locus and full citation information for the ITEM version is clearly indicated in any re-publication.

Readers may quote anything on ITEM within "fair use" limits, with citation as in previous paragraph.

Citation example:

Sorce Keller, Marcello. 1994. "Of Minority Musics, Preservation, and Multiculturalism: Some Considerations." ITEM 1 (20 September):2-7. Hypertext (Mosaic or X-Mosaic) at

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna