Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna
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Diapositiva 11 di 30
Storage Media for Data Acquisition (Ingestion)
As soundfiles are created on a Digital Audio Workstation as well as text and/or image files are collected either from a scanning device connected or remotely from a network device, they will be placed on a local or remote hard disk drive. Nowadays, practicable local disk volumes range from 9 to 32 Gbyte. For applications in a high performance audio environment professional (Fibre Channel, FC) RAID systems are available featuring full-duplex serial communications interfaces with sustained transfer rates of more than 200 Mbyte/second. Typical RAID server configurations provide 400 Gbyte disk capacity up to the low Terabyte range.
Good practice shows that master files should not been held on local disks longer than really necessary. An incremental save on a day-to-day basis (at least twice a week) on an appropriate backup system should be organised in a semiautomated manner. Practical experience shows that files, which have not been accessed for a period of more than 5 weeks, can easily be transferred to an file archive system. Depending on the file retrieval method applicable, access times should be balanced according to usage.
Long Term Preservation of digital data involves issues of physical storage, software and data standards as well as migration plans and disaster management. In addition, the digital archive involves technology required for global, multimedia, object-oriented databases with emphasis on adding value along dimensions such as: real-time, fault tolerance, security, and Quality of Service (QoS). The technologies and standards needed to be applied for the archiving/preservation/retrieval of digital documents is currently a major concern in the archives community. Life time of digital storage media and systems is extremly short in comparison to analogue sound and multimedia carriers libraries and archives got used to for many years. The question is whether computer industry will actually provide small and medium tailored storage solutions for individual libraries in the near future. As an alternative, backup and archive systems located at large computer centers and data farms frequently provide secure digital storage containers and rental storage which could also be used for small and medium volumes of digital data. Librarians and archivists have to force themselves to overcome the psychological barrier not to see a digital document, not to handle it physically anymore, not even to have it in-house – and it is still available, just because it is stored in a secure digital container!
In any case whether the digital storage system is located and managed by the institution in-house or by a professional computer center remotely the following key functions have to be provided by the archive system (for a Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System see: OAIS:
Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS): Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CCSDS 650.0-R-1 RED BOOK May 1999.
Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna