Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna
as Representation of Gender
in Mediterranean Cultures
Venice, June 11-13 1998
June 11
- Giulio Cattin (Fondazione Levi)
- Official Opening
- Tullia Magrini (University of Bologna)
- Women's "work of pain" in Christian Mediterranean Europe
- Iain Fenlon (King's College, Cambridge)
- Music ceremony and female piety in Renaissance Venice
- Karin van Nieuwkerk (University of Nijmegen)
- "An hour for God and an hour for the heart": Islam, gender and female entertainment in Egypt
- Philip Bohlman (University of Chicago)
- Shechinah, or the feminine sacre in musics of the Jewish Mediterranean
- Edwin Seroussi (Università Bar-Ilan, Israele)
- De-gendering Jewish music: the survival of the Judeo-Spanish folk song revisited
June 12
- Michela Garda (University of Trento)
- Re-telling and revising our musical past: feminine voices of the male music.
- Franco Alberto Gallo (University of Bologna)
- Gender and music in the Middle Age: some perspectives
- Martha Feldman (University of Chicago)
- The absent mother in Opera Seria
- Martin Stokes (University of Chicago)
- Hypergender and mediterraneanism
- Joaquina Labajo (Istituto Fortuny, Madrid)
- Body and voice: the construction of gender in flamenco
- Svanibor Pettan (University of Zagabria)
- "Male" and "female" in culture and music of the Gypsies in Kosovo
June 13
- Marie Virolle (CNRS, Parigi)
- Women in Raï: roles and representations
- Tony Langlois (University of Belfast)
- Invisible but audible: women's religious music in Morocco
- Antonio Baldassarre
- Women's sacred songs in Fès (Morocco): documentation and reflections
- Bruno Nettl (University of Urbana), chairman
- Discussion and perspectives