Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Music as Representation of Gender in Mediterranean Cultures

Music as Representation of Gender
in Mediterranean Cultures

Venice, June 11-13 1998


Report on the meeting

June 11

Giulio Cattin (Fondazione Levi)
Official Opening
Tullia Magrini (University of Bologna)
Women's "work of pain" in Christian Mediterranean Europe
Iain Fenlon (King's College, Cambridge)
Music ceremony and female piety in Renaissance Venice
Karin van Nieuwkerk (University of Nijmegen)
"An hour for God and an hour for the heart": Islam, gender and female entertainment in Egypt
Philip Bohlman (University of Chicago)
Shechinah, or the feminine sacre in musics of the Jewish Mediterranean
Edwin Seroussi (Università Bar-Ilan, Israele)
De-gendering Jewish music: the survival of the Judeo-Spanish folk song revisited


June 12

Michela Garda (University of Trento)
Re-telling and revising our musical past: feminine voices of the male music.
Franco Alberto Gallo (University of Bologna)
Gender and music in the Middle Age: some perspectives
Martha Feldman (University of Chicago)
The absent mother in Opera Seria
Martin Stokes (University of Chicago)
Hypergender and mediterraneanism
Joaquina Labajo (Istituto Fortuny, Madrid)
Body and voice: the construction of gender in flamenco
Svanibor Pettan (University of Zagabria)
"Male" and "female" in culture and music of the Gypsies in Kosovo


June 13

Marie Virolle (CNRS, Parigi)
Women in Raï: roles and representations
Tony Langlois (University of Belfast)
Invisible but audible: women's religious music in Morocco
Antonio Baldassarre
Women's sacred songs in Fès (Morocco): documentation and reflections
Bruno Nettl (University of Urbana), chairman
Discussion and perspectives

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna