Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna
M&A (Music and Anthropology) welcomes contributions from two main fields of research:
Authors with questions about the suitability of their articles or research for the journal should submit them to the editors. Articles submitted to M&A should be original works not previously published elsewhere.
Submissions should take advantage of the multimedia capabilities of the World Wide Web, that is use audio, graphics, or video and preferably integrate text and multimedia. Text-only manuscripts will be considered inappropriate. A Web article may be conceived in many different ways, for instance as one text arranged in sections and illustrated with images, audio and video examples; or as non-sequential or multiply-branching texts dealing with different aspects of the chosen topic. M&A and Ethnomusicology Online offer examples of multimedia Web style.
All submissions will undergo a peer review process. We encourage also the submission of conference reports, dissertation abstracts (400 words or fewer) and reviews concerning the primary fields of the journal.
Authors are expected to clear all issues of copyright prior to submitting the article and to submit a detailed statement about all copyright issues with the article.
Authors should send an abstract, including the number and types of multimedia illustrations, to M&A editor Tullia Magrini. The next step is to make submissions available for evaluation by the editors and for peer-review in one of the following ways:
Accepted submissions will be prepared in HTML format possibly by the author or if necessary by the author and editors in collaboration, and published on the Web from M&A's server.
Manuscripts should be submitted in text-only, RTF, DOC or HTML format. They should clearly show the location, content, size and format of multimedia illustrations. Multimedia files should be submitted with the manuscript whenever possible.
Shorter articles should be contained in a single file with links from a table of contents to individual sections. Longer articles should be divided into smaller files and linked by an opening page. The size of inline graphics files should be kept small. Larger graphics, audio, and video files can be accessed through links in the main text and displayed by auxiliary programs.
Footnotes should be included as endnotes and contained in a separate file. Use the hypertextual linking capabilities of Html to provide a link to the endnote and a link that returns the reader to the position of the note in the main text.
Links to other Web documents can be included.
Graphics. A Web document may include inline graphics (of small size), which the Web browser program normally displays, and external graphics, which auxiliary applications display. External graphics can be linked to an optional thumbnail inline graphic (100x100 pixels) in the text. Graphics should use .gif or .jpeg format. Graphics in Macintosh's PICT can be converted to .gif.
Audio. Audio files should be in .wav or .aiff format. They should be monoaural, 16-bit, 11 kHz frequency, about ten to twenty seconds. Larger files may be negoziated with the editors.
Video. Video files should be preferably in MPEG or Quicktime format (160x120 pixels, 15 frames-per-second). Size possibly contained in 2 MB. Larger files may be negoziated with the editors.
If local help is not available, the editors can assist authors with preparing multimedia files.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), is an evolving standard governing the way hypertext objects are created and displayed in World Wide Web browsers. The standards group that governs HTML is the HTML Working Group within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The group works on an open forum basis and is open to the public. The members of the HTML working group work closely with members of W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium) to standardize issues related to the World.
Explorer, NCSA
Mosaic and others Web browsers home
pages help users to find informations on HTML
specifications, World Wide Web and Internet itself.
Users can take a look at the Document Source feature of these
browsers which reveals the HTML markup codes.