Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna References

4. References

Akman, Nuriye
1995 “Gazinocular Krali” (“King of Gazinos: An Interview With Fahrettin Aslan”) in Sabah Daily Newspaper, December 31,  p.10.
Becker, Howard
1982 Art Worlds.  Berkeley:  University of California Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre
1979 Distinction:  A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste.  Translated by Richard Nice.  Cambridge:  Harvard University Press.
Gür, Ceyhan
1996.  Zeki Müren Simdi Uzaklardasin (Zeki Müren Now You Are Far Away).  Istanbul:  AD Yayincilik
Karpat, Kemal H.   
1976.  The Gecekondu:  Rural Migration and Urbanization.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.
Keles, Rusen
1973  Urbanization in Turkey.  New York:  An International Urbanization Survey Report to the Ford Foundation.
Keyder, Çaglar
1987  State & Class in Turkey:  A Study in Capitalist Development.  New York, London:  Verso.
Shaw, Stanford J. and Shaw, Ezel Kural
1977.  History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.
Tümertekin, Erol
1972  Analysis of the Location of Industry in Istanbul.  Istanbul:  Publications of Istanbul University.
Zürcher, Erik J.
1993.  Turkey A Modern History.  London-New York: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd.

The Necdet Yasar Ensemble, Music of Turkey. Music of the World, CDT-128

Gazeller, Ottoman-Turkish Vocal Improvisations In 78 rpm Records. Kalan, CD-067

Udi Yorgo Bacanos. Traditional Crossroads, CD-4287


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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna