Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna References

8. References



Alcalay, Ammiel
1999 Israel and the Levant Arab Culture and Civilization: A collaborative web project from NITLE. Available at

Banai, Sigalit
2004 “Sacred strains of tradition.” Haaretz. January 9. Tel Aviv.

Becker, Howard Saul
1982 Art Worlds. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Brinner, Benjamin
1995 Knowing Music, Making Music: Javanese Gamelan and the Theory of Competence in Interaction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
in progress  Musical Encounters in a Contested Land.

Dardashti, Galeet
2001 “Muzika Mizrakhit and Muzika Etnit: Discourses of the Israeli Middle Eastern Musical Aesthetic.” Text, Practice, Performance 3: 99-126.

Halevi, Yossi Klein
1998 “The New Believers.” The Jerusalem Report, April 2: 14-16.

Halper, Jeff, Edwin Seroussi, and Pamela Squires-Kidron
1989  “Musica Mizrahit: Ethnicity and class culture in Israel,” Popular Music 8(2): 131-142.

Horowitz, Amy
1997 “Performance in disputed territory: Israeli Mediterranean music.” Musical Performance: An International Journal 1(3): 43-53.
2002 “Israeli Mediterranean Music.” In The Middle East, edited by Virginia Danielson, Scott Marcus and Dwight Reynolds. New York, Routledge. 6: 261-268.

Hotem, Ran
2000 “Shiluv menatseakh [A winning combination],” Kol Ha’ir, Dec. 29 (in Hebrew).

Lahav, Shai
2001 “Tarbut (culture)” Ma’ariv,  Feb. 23. (in Hebrew)

Lev-Ari, S.
2004 “The Last Arabic Jew.” Haaretz, January 7.

Miller, Toby
1993 The Well tempered Self: Citizenship, Culture, and the Postmodern Subject. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Perelson, Inbal
1998 “Power relations in the Israeli popular music system.” Popular Music 17(1): 113-128.

Regev, Motti
1996 “Musica mizrakhit, Israeli rock and national culture in Israel.” Popular Music 15(3): 275-284.

Regev, Motti and Edwin Seroussi
2004 Popular Music and National Culture in Israel. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Said, Edward and Daniel Barenboim
2002 Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society. New York: Pantheon Books.

Seroussi, Edwin
2002 “’Mediterraneanism’ in Israeli music: an idea and its permutations.” Music & Anthropology: Journal of Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean 7.

Stein, Rebecca Luna
1998 “National Itineraries, Itinerant Nations: Israeli Tourism and Palestinian cultural Production.” Social Text 56 16(3): 91-124.

Straw, Will
2002 “Scenes and Sensibilities”, Public 22-23: 245-257.

Swedenburg, Ted
2000 “Sa'ida Sultan/Danna International: Transgender Pop and the Polysemiotics of Sex, Nation, and Ethnicity on the Israeli-Egyptian Border.” In Mass Mediations: New Approaches to Popular Culture in the Middle East and Beyond, edited by Walter Armbrust. Berkeley, University of California Press: 88-119.

Taylor, Timothy
1997  Global Pop: World Music, World Markets. New York: Routledge.

Warkov, Esther
1986 “Revitalization of Iraqi-Jewish Instrumental Traditional Music: The Persistent Centrality of an Outsider Tradition,” Asian Music 17(2): 9-31.

Wong, Deborah.
2004 Speak It Louder: Asian Americans Making Music. Berkeley: University of California Press.



Alei Hazayit
1996 Shoham. Self-produced demo.
2001 [unpublished master]

1990 Mediterranean Mix. Me’urav Yam-Tikhoni Part 5. C.D.I. Ltd.

[Ben], Zehava
[199?] Eize Min Olam.
Eli Banai Productions.

Bustan Abraham
1992 Bustan Abraham. Nada Records. Nada 7.
1994 Pictures Through the Painted Window. Nada Records. Nada 8.     
1996 Abadai. Nada Records. Nada 9.
1997 Fanar. Nada Records. Nada 13.
2000 Hamsa. Nada Records. Nada 14.
2000 Ashra. The First Decade Collection. Nada Records. Nada 18.

Dalal, Yair
1995 Al Ol. Najema Music.
1996 Samar. Najema Music.
2000 Shacharut.Najema Music, Magda.    
2002 Asmar. Magda/Najema.

Dalal, Yair & Al Ol
1997 Silan. Najema Music & TV.
1998 The Perfume Road. Magda & Najema. MGD116.

Dalal, Yair & Tarab Ensemble      
1999 Azazme. Magda. MGD115.
Habreira Hativ’it (The Natural Gathering)
1991 Origins. Tarbuton. SI 31144.

Hanoch, Shalom and Moshe Levi
2003 Yetsia. Shalom Hanoch and Moshe Levi Live. NMC. 330239-2.

Hespčrion XXI
1999 Diasporá Sefardí. Alia Vox. AV9809 A+B



Kahan, Yvonne
1995  “Time For Peace - Zaman El Salaam”. Documentary film.

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