Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Ruth Davis

8. Sources

(i) Images
  1. Sufi musicians of Testour singing the ma'luf in a street procession in a traditional wedding ritual. Photo by RD. 2001.
  2. Jacob Bsiri, Jewish musician of Hara Kebira, Djerba, singing piyyutim at the annual pilgrimage to the Ghriba synagogue. Photo by RD. 1978.
  3. The Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger. Self-portrait (detail). Ali Louati. 1995. Le Baron d'Erlanger et son Palais Ennajma Ezzahra a Sidi Bou Said. Simpact Editions. Tunis. Page 51.
  4. D'Erlanger's ensemble at the 1932 Cairo Congress.
    Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes. December 1995. Edition du Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes 1992. Tunis: Ministere de la Culture. Page 35. (Brochure)
  5. Salayha - the Rashidiyya's star singer of the 1930s and 1940s. CD cover.Salayha. SOCA MUSIC. CD 064. n.d.
  6. The main street of Testour decorated  for the annual ma'luf festival. Photo by RD. 2001.
  7. Abdulhamid Belalgia, director of the Radio ensemble, in his office at the ERTT.  Photo by RD. 1996.
  8. Ennejma Ezzahra. Salon with marble fountain (right) and canal. Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes ... Page 21.
  9. Images A and B: The Rashidiyya ensemble in rehearsal (detail). Photo by the author. 1996.
  10. Shaykh Khemais Tarnane with his‘ud ‘arbi at the 1932 Cairo Congress. Photo provided by Photo by Salah el-Mahdi.
  11. Tahar Gharsa and his ensemble performing in the Medina restaurant of the Abou Nawas hotel, Tunis. Photo by the author. 1996.
  12. Tahar Gharsa relaxing with musicians and members of his club during the interval of a club session (Zied Gharsa plays the viola) Photo by the author. 2001.
  13. Zied Gharsa. CD cover. Zied Gharsa.
  14. Lotfi Bushnak. Photo given to RD by Lotfi Bushnak.
  15. Sonia M’Barek. CD cover. Sonia M'Barek - Tawchih.
  16. Publicity poster for CD "El ‘Azifat".

(ii) Recordings

  1. "Abyat. Nuba al-‘asbahan." Tunisian radio ensemble directed by Abdulhamid Belalgia. 1962. Tunisie Anthologie du Malouf. Musique Arabo-Andalouse.
  2. "Abyat. Nuba al-hsin." The Rashidiyya ensemble directed by Abdelhamid Belalgia. 1999. Anthologie du Malouf Tunisien.
  3. "Ya zahratan" (O flower). Composed and sung by Shaykh Khemais Tarnane. 1928. Musique Judeo-Arabe 2 – Tunisie.
  4. "Muwashshah. Wasla al-asba’in." Lotfi Boushnak - Malouf Tunisien.
  5. "Muwashshah. Wasla al-asba’in." Sonia M'Barek – Takht.
  6. "Vous dansez madame. " Chanson franco-tunisienne by the veteran Rashidiyya composer Muhammad Triki (d. 1991). El ‘Azifat.

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna