Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Bibliografia

5. Bibliografia

Aquilina, Guzè 
1931 "Il-Ghana f’Halq il-Malti". Lehen il-Malti 1: 8-12. 
Blacking, John
1973 How Musical Is Man? (Londra: Faber and Faber). Tr. it., Come è musicale l'uomo? (Milano: Ricordi-Unicopli, 1986).
Cassar Pullicino, Guzè and Charles Camilleri
1998 Maltese Oral Poetry and Folk Music (Malta: Malta University Publishers Ltd.)
Cocks, Joanne
1993 "Full House at University for ‘Il-Budaj". The Times (Malta), February 11.
Erler, Annette
1998 "Gender Differences in Maltese Ballad Singing". Dansk Arbog For Musikforskning 26: 59-71.
Friggieri, Oliver
1979 Storja tal-Letteratura Maltija (Malta: Lux Press).
Fsadni, Ranier
1989 "The Wounding Song: Honour, Politics and Rhetoric in Maltese Ghana" (University of Cambridge, MA Thesis). 
1992 "The Modernity of Maltese Ghana". The Sunday Times of Malta, August 3.
Lortat-Jacob, Bernard
1995 Sardinian Chronicles (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press).
Magrini, Tullia
1989 "The Group Dimension in Traditional Music". The World of Music 31: 52-77.
1998 "Improvisation and Group Interaction in Italian Lyrical Singing". In In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation, a cura di B. Nettl, 169-198 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press).
McLeod, Norma - Marcia Herndon
1975 "The Bormliza: Maltese Folksong Style and Women". Journal of American Folklore 88: 81-100. 
1980 "The Interrelationship of Style and Occasion in the Maltese Spirtu Pront". In The Ethnography of Musical Performance, a cura di  Norma McLeod e Marcia Herndon, 147-166 (Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions).
Mifsud-Chircop, Gorg
1997 L-Ewwel Festival Nazzjonali ta’ l-Ghana (programma di sala) (Malta: Publishers Enterprises Group). 
1998 It-Tieni Festival Nazzjonali ta’ l-Ghana (programma di sala) (Malta: Carlai).
Mifsud-Chircop, Gorg, ed.
1999 Maltese Folksong ‘Ghana’: A Bibliography and Resource Material (Malta: Malta University Press).
Nettl, Bruno
1973 Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall).
1983 The Study of Ethnomusicology: Twenty-Nine Issues and Concepts (Urbana: University of Illinois Press).
Psaila, Karm
1960 "Tahdita fuq il-Poezija Maltija", Lehen il-Malti 1: 2-10.
Sant Cassia, Paul
1989 "L-Ghana: Bejn il-Folklor u l-Habi". In L-Identita Kulturali ta’ Malta, a cura di T. Cortis, 80-91 (Malta: Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni).
1999 "Exoticizing Discoveries and Extraordinary Experiences: Traditional Music, Modernity, and Nostalgia in Malta and other Mediterranean Societies". <>
Seeger, Anthony
1992 "Ethnography of Music". In Ethnomusicology: An Introduction, a cura di H. Myers, 88-109 (Londra: Macmillan).
Stokes, Martin
1994 "Place Exchange and Meaning: Black Sea Musicians in the West of Ireland". In Ethnicity, Identity and Music, a cura di Martin Stokes, 97-115 (Oxford: Berg).
Stumme, Hans and Bertha Ilg
1909 Maltesische Volkslieder im Urtext mit Deutscher Übersetzung (Lipsia: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung).
Vella, Joseph
1990 "L-Identita Kulturali Maltija - Il-Muzika". In L-Identita Kulturali ta’ Malta, a cura di T. Cortis, 35-58 (Malta: Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni).


Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna