Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Dr. Edwin Seroussi


Edwin Seroussi (born in 1952 in Montevideo, Uruguay) immigrated to Israel in 1971. Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles (1987); M.A. cum laude, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1981).

Held lectureships at the Department of Musicology of Tel-Aviv University and Levinsky Teachers' College in Tel-Aviv, before taking up a full time appointment at Bar-Ilan University, where he is head of the Department of Music since 1994. He is also the deputy director of the Jewish Music Research Centre at the Hebrew University.

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna