Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Seroussi 9

9. Bibliografia


Alvar, Manuel
1969 Endechas judeo-españolas (Madrid: CSIC).
Angel, Marc
1978 The Jews of Rodhes: The History of a Sephardi Community (New York: Sepher-Hermon Press).
Angles, Higinio
1968 "La musique juive dans l’Espagne medieval". Yuval 1: 48-64.
Attias, Moshe
1972 Cancionero judeo-español (Jerusalem: Centro de Estudios sobre el Judaismo de Salonica).
Atzmon, Yael
1995 "Introduction: Judaism and the Distancing of Women from Public Activity", in Yael Atzmon (a cura di), A View into the Lifes of Women in Jewish Societies (Jerusalem): 13-46 (in Ebraico).
Baskin, Judith R.
1995 "Silent Partners: Women as Wives in Rabbinic Literature", in Sacks 1995: 19-37.
Chetrit, Joseph
1980 "Freha bat Yosef - A Hebrew Poetess in Eighteenth-Century Morocco". Pe’amim 4: 84-93 (in Ebraico).
1993 "Freha bat Rabbi Abraham - More on a Hebrew Poetess in Morocco in the Eighteenth Century". Pe’amim 55: 124-130 (in Ebraico).
Cohen, Judith
1980 Le rôle de la femme-musicienne dans l'Espagne medievale, dans les communautés chretienne, juive et musulmane. Master thesis, Université de Montreal.
1987 ""Ya salió de la mar": Judeo-Spanish Wedding Songs among Moroccan Jews in Canada", im Koskoff 1987: 55-67.
1990 "Musical Bridges, The Contrafact Tradition in Judeo-Spanish Songs", in F. Gerson and A. Percival (a cura di), Cultural Marginality in the Western Mediterranean (Toronto: New Aurora Edotions): 121-127.
1995 "Women’s Role in Judeo-Spanish Song Traditions", in Sacks 1995: 181-200.
1997 "Evolving Roles of Women in Judeo-Spanish Song", in Galit Hasan-Rokem and Michel Abitbol (a cura di), Hispano-Jewish Civilization after 1492 (Jerusalem: Misgav Yerushalayim): 81-100.
Díaz-Mas, Paloma
1982 Temas y tópicos de la poesía luctuosa sefardí. Ph.D. thesis, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
1994 Poesía oral sefardí (La Coruna: Esquío-Ferrol).
Fleischer, Ezra
1984 "Al Dunash ben Labrat, ishto u-vno" ("On Dunash ben Labrat, his wife and son"). Mehqare yerushalaim be-sifrut ivrit 5: 192-202.
Guerin, Victor
1856 Voyage dans l’Île de Rodhes (Paris: Durand).
Gutwirth, Eleazar
1993 "A Judeo-Spanish endecha from the Cairo Genizah". Mediterranean Language Review 6-7: 113-120.
Haberman, A. M.
1981 "Meshorerot yehudiot be-yeme qedem" ("Jewish poetesses from antiquity"), in Mi-pri ha-’et ve-ha-’et (Jerusalem).
Hasan Rokem, Galit
1995 "The Voice is the Voice of My Sister: Feminine Images and Feminine Symbols in Lamentations Rabba", in Yael Atzmon (a cura di), A View into the Lifes of Women in Jewish Societies (Jerusalem): 95-114 (in Ebraico).
Hauptman, Judit
1993 "Women and Prayer: An Attempt to Dispel Some Fallacies". Judaism 42: 94-103, 387-413 (Reactions).
Herndon, Marcia
1990 "Biology and Culture: Music, Gender, Power, and Ambiguity", in Herndon and Ziegler (a cura di) 1990: 11-26.
Herndon, Marcia and Susanne Ziegler (a cura di)
1990 Music, Gender and Culture (Wilhelmshaven: Noetzel Verlag)
Heskes, Irene
1992 "Miriam’s Sisters: Jewish Women and Liturgical Music". Note 48(4): 1193-1202.
Idelsohn, Abraham Z.
1929 Jewish Music in its Historical Development (New York: Schoken).
Jacobs, S.
1855 "Ladies’ Singing in the Synagogue". The Occident and American Jewish Advocate 13: 445-448, 492-496, 537-542.
Jones, L. JaFran
1987 "A Sociohistorical Perspective on Tunisian Women as Professional Musicians", in Koskoff 1987: 69-83.
Katz, Israel J.
1972-5 Judeo-Spanish Traditional Ballads from Jerusalem: An Ethnomusicological Study. 2 vols. (New York: Institute of Medieval Music).
Koskoff, Ellen (a cura di)
1987 Women and Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press).
1987a "An Introduction to Women, Music, and Culture", in Koskoff 1987: 1-23.
1987b "The Sound of a Woman’s Voice: Gender and Music in a New York Hasidic Community", in Koskoff 1987: 213-223.
Larrea Palacín, Arcadio de
1954 Canciones rituales hispano-judías (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Africanos).
Levine, Renée
1991 " Some Death and Mourning Customs of Castillian Conversas ", A. Mirsky, A. Grossman, Y. Kaplan (a cura di), Exile and Diaspora, Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute), vol. 2: 157-167.
Magrini, Tullia
1995 " Ballad and Gender: Reconsidering Narrative Singing in Northern Italy", Ethnomusicology Online , 1.
Meyers, Carol L.
1994 "Miriam the Musician", in Athalian Brenner (a cura di), A Feminist Companion to Exodus to Deuteronomy (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press): 207-230.
Molho, Michael
1950 Usos y costumbres de los sefardíes de Salonika (Madrid: CSIC).
Najara, Israel
1946 Zmirot Israel, ed. by J. Pries-Horev (Tel Aviv: Mosad ha-Rav Kuk) (in Ebraico).
Robertson, Carol E.
1987 "Power and Gender in the Musical Experiences of Women", in Koskoff 1987: 225-244.
Sacks, Maurie
1989 "Problems in the Study of Jewish Women’s Folk Culture". Contemporary Jewry 10(1): 95-104.
1995 "Introduction", in Sacks (a cura di) 1995: 1-16.
Sacks, Maurie (a cura di)
1995 Active Voices: Women in Jewish Culture (Urbana: University of Ilinois Press).
Schreiber, Baruch David
1984-85 "The Woman’s Voice in the Synagogue". Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy 7: 27-32.
Seroussi, Edwin
1990 "The Growth of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong Repertory in the 20th Century". Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division D, 2 (Jerusalem: The World Congress of Jewish Studies): 173-180.
1993 "La música sefardí en el Imperio Otomano: Nuevas fuentes literarias". Actes del Simposi Internacional sobre cultura sefardita (Barcelona: PPU): 279-294.
1995 "Reconstructing Sephardi Music in the 20th Century: Isaac Levy and his "Chants judeo-espagnols"". The World of Music (Jewish Musical Culture - Past and Present) 37(1): 39-58.
Seroussi, Edwin and Susana Weich-Shahak
1990-91 "Judeo-Spanish Contrafacts and Musical Adaptations, The Oral Tradition". Orbis Musicae 10: 164-194.
Sheshet, Itzhak ben
1993 She’elot u-tshuvot, 2 vols. (Jerusalem).
Shiloah, Amnon
1992 Jewish Musical Traditions (Detroit: Wayne State University Press).
Sered, Susan Starr
1995 "Toward an Anthropology of Jewish Women: Sacred Texts and the Religious World of Elderly, Middle-Eastern Women in Jerusalem", in Sacks 1995: 203-218.
Suliteanu, Gisela
1972 "The Traditional System of Melopeic Prose of the Funeral Songs Recited by the Jewish Women of the Socialist Republic of Rumania", in Issachar Ben-Ami (a cura di), Folklore Research Center Studies 3 (Jerusalem: Magnes Press): 291-349.
Taitz, Emily
1992 "Women’s Voices, Women’s Prayers: Women in the European Synagogues of the Middle Ages", in Susan Grossman and Rivka Haut (a cura di), Daughters of the King: Women and the Synagogue (Philadelphia, New York, Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society): 59-71.
Tolbert, Elizabeth
1990 "Magico-Religious Power and Gender in the Karelian Lament", in Herndon and Ziegler 1990: 41-56.
Weich-Shahak, Susana
1984 "Mazal-Tov’s Repertoire of Songs: Genres in Judeo-Spanish Songs from Turkey and the Bulgaria". Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 5-6: 27-56.
1989a Judeo-Spanish Moroccan Songs for the Life Cycle. Yuval Music Series 1 (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University).
1989b "Las canciones sefardíes y el ciclo de la vida (Repertorio judeo-español de Oriente and Occidente)". Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 44: 39-160.
1992 Música y tradiciones sefardíes (Salamanca: Centro de cultura tradicional, Deputación de Salamanca).
1997 "Performance in the Judeo-Spanish Repertoire", in A. Shiloah and B. Tchaikov (a cura di), Musical Performance. The Performance of Jewish And Arabic Music in Israel, vol. 1: 9-26.
1998 "Social Functions of the Judeo-Spanish Romances", in J. Braun and U. Sharvit (a cura di), Studies in Socio-Musical Sciences (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press): 245-256.
Forthcoming. "Jewish music, Sephardi folk songs", in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (London: MacMillan).
Weissler, Chava
1991 "Prayers in Yiddish and the Religious World of Ashkenazic Women", in Judith R. Baskin (a cura di), Jewish Women in Historical Perspective (Detroit): 159-181.
1995 "Women’s Studies amd Women’s Prayers: Reconstructing the Religious History of Jewish Women". Jewish Social Studies (new series) 1(2): 28-47.
Yahalom, Yosef
1988 "Poetry as an Expression of Spiritual Reality in the Late Sephardic Piyyut", in . Mirsky, A. Grossman, Y. Kaplan (a cura di), Exile and Diaspora, Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute and CSIC): 337-48 (in Ebraico).
Yossef, Ovadia
1954-55 Sefer she’elot u-teshuvot yabi’a omer, vol.1 (Jerusalem).

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna