Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Nightclubs



Nightclubs appeared at the turn of the century to meet demands of the colonial rulers and the tourists. Female entertainers who either sang or danced on stage would be invited to sit and drink with customers, who expressed their admiration and showed off by tipping. This was the most profitable part of the job for performers and nightclub owners. In 1951, a law was amended to prohibit performers from acting as hostesses. Yet, the law was not strictly observed. Under the reign of Sadat, a new system of registration was initiated in 1973 and the socializing with customers was abolished.

Today, in the cheaper clubs, female entertainers still use their time on stage for shaking hands, talking and laughing with customers but they no longer sit at their tables. They still create an atmosphere that, together with alcohol, sets the right mood for generous tips. In expensive hotels and nightclubs, the new laws generally are observed. The atmosphere is quiet, and the artisitc level is higher.

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna