Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Magrini 9
9. Sources 



Mourning the dead Christ (1463). Niccolò dell'Arca. Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vita. Bologna. 

Sardinian women. Cover photo of the LP anthology Musica Sarda, edited by D. Carpitella, P. Sassu. L. Sole. Albatros ALB/3. 

Women singing two-voice songs "alla nocchiarola". Leydi 1990: 96. 

Dance representing the fight between Moors and Christians. Comunidad de Madrid 1991: 47. 

A tarantist speaking with the portrait of Saint Paul during the home therapy. Frame from the film La taranta by G. Mingozzi. 

Worshippers at the entrance of the Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Arco. Photo by T. Magrini. 

A mourner (Lucania, Italy). Barbati and others 1978: 65. 

Byzantin icon (XVII century). Crete, Church of Haghia Ekaterini. 

Santa Maria dei Miracoli, protettrice d'Andria. De Simone 1982: 143. 

The Mother of Sorrow. From the booklet Canti della settimana santa, edited by Mario Sarica. LP Albatros Archivio sonoro 14. 

The Easter procession: The Mother of Sorrow. Photo by T. Magrini. 

The Easter procession: Christ with the Jews. Photo by T. Magrini. 

The Easter procession: Women carrying the cinti. Photos by T. Magrini. 

Lavurieddi on the altars. Photo by T. Magrini. 

Women singing the planctus Mariae. Photo by T. Magrini. 

Battenti during the Easter ritual. Photos by T. Magrini. 


Audio examples 

A woman and a man singing together songs "a vatoccu e a mete". LP Terra della Marca: canti popolari. CRPM 1. 

Women singing the planctus Mariae. Recording by T. Magrini. 

Women singing during a procession for the Madonna del Lauro (Calabria, Italy). Recording by T. Magrini. 


Video example 

Anastenarisses dancing. Excerpt from Anastenaria by A. Georgakis. 


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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna