Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna
M&A - Ne1 audio examples
Audio Examples
- Australian didjeridu.
- From "Tribal Music of Australia". Ethnic
Folkways Library P 439 (1953).
- Australian aboriginal rock music.
- Rec. at a live performance, source unknown (ca. 1988).
- Flint song sung by Ishi, the last Yahi Indian.
- Copied from cylinder in possession of University of
California. Rec. by T. T. Waterman (1911).
- Dastgah-e Shur. Persian music played on santour:
traditional avaz.
- From A Persian Heritage, Nonesuch Records H72060
- Dastgah-e Mahour. Persian music played on santour
by F. Payvar: modernized and Westernized Chahar mezrab.
- From Masters Performers of Persan Traditional Music,
F. Payvar. Ahang-e Ruz ARTMS-11 (ca.1970)
- "Banturiti"; from "Ramnad Krishnan
Kaccheri", performed by Ramnad Krishnan in what is
presumed to be an older, traditional manner.
- Nonesuch Records H-72040.
- "Tillana":South Indian violin music,
played by Lalgudi Jayaram in a virtuosistic style
imitating in part Western violin style.
- From Lalgudi Jayaram, Violin solo, EMI ECSD 3273
- Blackfoot Scalp Dance song, rec. by J. K. Dixon,
- From B. Nettl, ed., An Historical Album of Blackfoot
Indian Music. Ethnic Folkways Records FE 34001
- Blackfoot Grass Dance song, a powwow song performed
in a modernized context, 1966.
- From B. Nettl, ed., An Historical Album of Blackfoot
Indian Music. Ethnic Folkways Records FE 34001
- Badouma Paddlers' song, performed in an older,
non-Westernized style of performance.
- From Music of Equatorial Africa, Ethnic Folkwayd
Library P402 (1950).
- "Agayanka Dabre", a Nigerian highlife
piece which illustrate a style that combined older
African traditional elements with style from Western
popular music.
- From The West African Highlife Scene, London
International SW 99498 (1968).
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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna