Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna M&A - Ne1 audio examples

Audio Examples

Australian didjeridu.
From "Tribal Music of Australia". Ethnic Folkways Library P 439 (1953).
Australian aboriginal rock music.
Rec. at a live performance, source unknown (ca. 1988).
Flint song sung by Ishi, the last Yahi Indian.
Copied from cylinder in possession of University of California. Rec. by T. T. Waterman (1911).
Dastgah-e Shur. Persian music played on santour: traditional avaz.
From A Persian Heritage, Nonesuch Records H72060 (1974).
Dastgah-e Mahour. Persian music played on santour by F. Payvar: modernized and Westernized Chahar mezrab.
From Masters Performers of Persan Traditional Music, F. Payvar. Ahang-e Ruz ARTMS-11 (ca.1970)
"Banturiti"; from "Ramnad Krishnan Kaccheri", performed by Ramnad Krishnan in what is presumed to be an older, traditional manner.
Nonesuch Records H-72040.
"Tillana":South Indian violin music, played by Lalgudi Jayaram in a virtuosistic style imitating in part Western violin style.
From Lalgudi Jayaram, Violin solo, EMI ECSD 3273 (1976).
Blackfoot Scalp Dance song, rec. by J. K. Dixon, 1909
From B. Nettl, ed., An Historical Album of Blackfoot Indian Music. Ethnic Folkways Records FE 34001 (1979).
Blackfoot Grass Dance song, a powwow song performed in a modernized context, 1966.
From B. Nettl, ed., An Historical Album of Blackfoot Indian Music. Ethnic Folkways Records FE 34001 (1979).
Badouma Paddlers' song, performed in an older, non-Westernized style of performance.
From Music of Equatorial Africa, Ethnic Folkwayd Library P402 (1950).
"Agayanka Dabre", a Nigerian highlife piece which illustrate a style that combined older African traditional elements with style from Western popular music.
From The West African Highlife Scene, London International SW 99498 (1968).

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Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna