Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna
ITEM (ITalian EthnoMusicology) is the electronic Bulletin of
the Italian National Committee of the International Council for
Traditional Music. The Bulletin is open to contributions from all
Italian scholars of ethnomusicology and foreign scholars who deal
with Italian music or questions related to it or issues of
general interest. The Bulletin publishes news, brief articles
(for example, papers read at a conference, meeting, study group
and so on - no more than 3000 words), reviews, comments and
information. Contributions and comments are welcome.
Send your messages and files to Tullia Magrini -
<>, subject: ITEM).
ITEM may be retrieved as a text from or
Listserv@umdd.bitnet (filename of ITEM 1: BULL94A ITEM; filename
To get the last issue, send a message to or
Listserv@umdd.bitnet, no subject, text: get BULL94B ITEM.
ITEM may be retrieved also as an hypertext (Mosaic or X-Mosaic)
from <> or