Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Note 3b

NOTES on "A Plural Voice":


(1) R. Barthes, "La mort de I'auteur," in Le bruissement de la langue (Paris: Seuil, 1984), pp. 61 and 64.

(2) M. Foucault, "Qu'est-ce qu'un auteur," in Dits et écrits, vol. I (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), p. 793.

(3) Ibid., p. 795.

(4) R. Barthes, Op. cit., pp. 66-67.

(5) Cfr. S. Fish, Is There a Text in This Class? (Cambridge, 1980).

(6) We accept here, for text clarity, the subdivision in "decades."

(7) J.-p. Jeancolas, J.J. Meusy, V. Pinel, L'Auteur du film. Description d'un combat (Aries: SACD/Institut Lumière/Actes Sud, 1996). As regards Italian cinema, a very important chapter of this history has been written by Sergio Raffaelli; see the section "La regia" in his Cinema, film, regia (Roma: Bulzoni, 1978).

(8) M. Magny, M.-C. Ropars, P. Sorlin, "L'état d'auteur," Hors Cadre, n. 8 (1990), p. 6.

(9) G. Pescatore, "The Paradox of the Author," published in this issue, p. 185.

(10) M.-C. Ropars, P. Sorlin, "Voies filmiques pour un procès d'auteur," Hors Cadre, cit., pp. 24, 29, 30.

(11) Cfr. A. Costa, "Français, Eric, Claude, Jean-Luc, Jacques and the Authors," Fotogenia, n. 2, 1995, p. 86.

(12) The conference, organised by Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali dell'Universita di Udine, in cooperation with Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo dell'Universita di Bologna and several other institutions and bodies, took place in Udine in March 1996. The proceedings have just recently been published in A. Franceschetti, L. Quaresima (eds.), Prima dell'autore/Before the Author (Udine: Forum, 1997). The field analysed by the conference comprises a limited time slot, from the origins of cinema to the thirties.

(13) Cfr. F. Jost, "La main et 1'," Fotogenia, n. 2, cit.

(14) Cfr. M. Bertozzi, "Le panthéon, 1'inventeur' et la vue," published in this issue.

(15) Cfr. G.P. Brunetta, "Reveal the Author," published in this issue.

(16) Cfr, F. de la Bretèque, "Louis Feuillade, un 'auteur' de films?," published in this issue.

(17) A. Gardies, "Cinéma et quête d'auteur," Hors Cadre, cit.

(18) Cfr., for example, Panorama des genres au cinéma, CinemAction, n. 68 (1993), On the Notion of Genre in Cinema/Sur la notion de genre au Cinéma, Iris, n. 20 (1995); the second edition, significantly expanded and revised, of the anthology edited by B. K. Grant, Film Genre Reader (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995) and the volume Il cinema e le altre arti, edited by the author (Venezia: Marsilio/La Biennale di Venezia, 1996).

(19) Cfr. F, Jost, "La main et 1'oeil," cit.

(20) Cfr. G. Rondolino, "A Film History without Authors?," and M. Chion, "L'auteur du son du film? C'est le film," Fotogenia, n. 2, cit.

(21) G. Pescatore, cit., pp. 187-188.

(22) Cfr. P. Sorlin, "Le cinéaste, 1'acteur et l'auteur," Fotogenia, n. 2, cit.

(23) Cfr. J. Bell, "The Director-Function," published in this issue.

(24) D. Bordwell, J. Staiger, K. Thompson, The Classical Hollywood Cinema. Film, Style and Mode of Production to 1960 (London: Routledge, 1985).

(25) This is the hypothesis I have made in "Generi, stili," in II cinema e le altre arti, cit.

(26) Cfr. F. Casetti, "Il cinema come arte, il cinema come medium," in ll cinema e le altre arti, cit.

(27) Cfr. R. Chartier, L'ordre des livres (Aix-en-Provence: Alinea, 1992).

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