Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Fotogenia - English homepage






The journal "Fotogenia" owes its origins to the activity of the Sezione Cinema of the Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo at Bologna University which has enjoyed (thanks also to the institution in 1983 of a doctorate with a film orientated curriculum) an outstanding wealth of experience, contributing to the development of many young scholars and researchers. We have therefore been prompted to set up an enterprise from Bologna University. The purpose is also to link our work to that underway in universities elsewhere, so as to foster an exchange of ideas, projects and research opportunities.

The research carried out in the field of cinema tends increasingly to be the outcome of an international scientific community, which maintains constant close links through its centres and members. Projects and lines of research are advancing on a truly international scale. Young people working in the field (thanks to opportunities offered by the "Erasmus," "Comett" and more recently "Leonardo" organisations) are well acquainted with this situation. Likewise, our enterprise is intended to meet to such needs: the numerous monographs (appearing annually) will be the outcome of our project and of the work of Italian colleagues and scholars. The monographs offer all the texts in Italian and other languages (English or French).

We do however intend to follow certain basic convictions. We set out to integrate historical and theoretical approaches, theory and philology in the study of cinema. We are interested in examining the contact areas between cinema and other systems (from literature to painting and architecture to music) and in gauging how constructive it is to apply cinema to a vaster range of fields (from semiotics to psychoanalysis, aesthetics to historiography). We consider cinema to be a "visual art" more than a "narrative art."

Storie e teorie del cinema
Rivista annuale

Antonio Costa
Leonardo Quaresima

Coordinamento editoriale:
Alberto Boschi
Monica Dall'Asta
Guglielmo Pescatore

Marco Bertozzi
Michele Canosa
Giulia Carluccio
Ottavio Di Brizzi
Nicola Dusi
Isabella Fava
Anja Franceschetti
Leonardo Gandini
Michela Giorgi
Giacomo Manzoli
Sara Pesce
Francesco Pitassio
Roy Menarini
Pina Siotto
Riccardo Ventrella

Direttore responsabile:
Antonio Costa

Registrazione n. 6463 del Tribunale di Bologna, 16.08.95

Progetto grafico:
Stefano Ricci
Davide Catenacci

Disegno di copertina:
Stefano Ricci

ISSN 1123-9026
ISBN 88-8091-533-9

Composizione e stampa: Editrice CLUEB, Bologna
Distribuzione: Abbonamento postale e principali librerie
Redazione: Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo/Sezione Cinema
Via Galliera 3, 40121 Bologna (Tel. 051/223943 - Fax 051/231183)
Amministrazione: Editrice CLUEB
Bologna Via Marsala 24, 40126 Bologna (Tel. 051/220736 - Fax 051/237758)

Tariffe pubblicità pagina b/n L. 350.000 17 x 22 1/2 pagina b/n L. 200.000 17 x 11. Abbonamento annuo L. 35.000 Italia, L. 65,000 estero, L. 105.000 via aerea. Inviare l'importo a:   Editrice CLUEB, Via Marsala 24, 40126 Bologna Conto Corrente Postale 21716402 (precisando la causale del versamento). Le richieste di abbonamenti e numeri arretrati debbono essere inoltrate direttamente all'Amministrazione e non alla Redazione della Rivista

La rivista è pubblicata con il contributo del CNR
© 1997 - Copyright by Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice
Bologna 40126 Bologna - Via Marsala 24

Reviews and pubblications of the Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo


Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna