Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna Archivio Kazuo Ohno - Bibliografia Ohno-Butoh
Archivio Kazuo Ohno
Kazuo Ohno Archives

AA. VV., Buto(s), CNRS Editions, coll. Arts du spectacle, 2002.

Adolphe, Jean-Marc, Pastimes of the gods: the mythological modernity of Ushio Amagatsu, in "Ballet International", August/September 1994, n. 8/9, pp. 60-63.

Adolphe, Jean-Marc, Tatsumi Hijikata, fondateur du Butô. La tenebre fut inventée par un meteore, in AA. VV., Festival International de Nouvelle Danse, 1991, pp. 76-79.

Agnesini, Manuela, Storia ed estetica della danza buto, Tesi di Laurea, Università degli Studi di Bologna, 1994.

Azzaroni, Giovanni, Teatro in Asia, CLUEB, Bologna, 1998, vol. I.

Baggio, Silvia, Parigi – Espace Kiron: "En" di e con Ko Murobushi, in "La Danza", Anno V, n. 2, estate 1985, pp.13-14.

Baggio, Silvia, Rovereto – Incontri Internazionali Oriente-Occidente: Kazuo Ohno – "L’Argentina", in "La Danza", Anno V, n. 3, autunno 1985, pp.16-17.

Benedict, Ruth, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword; Patterns of Japanese Culture, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1946 (trad. it. Il crisantemo e la spada, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, Milano, 1991).

Blakeley Klein, Susan, Ankoku Butô. The Premodern and Postmodern Influences on the Dance of Utter Darkness, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1988.

D’Orazi, Maria Pia, Buto. La Nuova Danza Giapponese, Editori Associati, Roma, 1997.

D’Orazi, Maria Pia, Kazuo Ono, L’Epos, Palermo, 2001.

Durland, Steven, Contemporary art in Japan, in "High Performance", Summer 1990, pp. 22-31.

Durland, Steven, Weekend in the country: a visit to Min Tanaka's farm, in "High Performance", Summer1990, n. 50, pp. 46-49.

Garafola, Lynn, Variations on a theme of butoh, in "Dance Magazine", April 1989, pp. 66-68.

Goodman, David, Japanese Drama and Culture in the 1960’s. The Return of the Gods, M. E. Sherp, New York, 1988.

Gunji, Masakatsu, Buyo. The Classical Dance, Weatherhill/Tankosha, New York-Tokyo-Kyoto, 1970.

Hackner, Gerhard, The Nakednness of Life: Buto, in AA. VV., Japanese Theatre in the World, Japan Society, New York, 1997, p. 81.

Haerdter, Michael e Kawai, Sumie (a cura di), Butoh: die Rebellion des Körpers: ein Tanz aus Japan, Alexander Verlag, Berlin, 1986.

Hamera, Judith, Derevo: butoh and imagining the real, in "High Performance", Spring 1990, vol. 13, pp. 36-39.

Hamera, Judith, Silence that reflect: butoh, ma, and a crosscultural gaze, in "Text and Performance Quarterly", January 1990, vol. 10, pp. 53-60.

Hanaga, Mitsutoshi, Buto: Nikutai no Suriaisutotachi (Buto: il surrealismo della carne), Gendai Shokan, Tokyo, 1983.

Holburn, Mark et al., Butoh: Dance of the Dark Soul, Aperture Foundation, New York, 1987.

Horton Fraleigh, Sondra e Fraleigh, Sandra, Dancing into Darkness: Butoh, Zen and Japan, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 1999.

Ichikawa, Miyabi, Butoh: the denial of the body, in "Ballett International", September 1989, n. 9, pp. 14-19.

Ichikawa, Miyabi, Come dance with me, in "Look Japan", May 1995, p.29.

Ischiuchi, Miyako, 1906 to the Skin, Kawade Shobo Shinsya, Tokyo, 1994.

Janzen, Sibylle, Intuitionen und Körpererinnerungen: ein Workshop mit Kazuo und Yoshito Ohno, in „Tanz aktuell", Feb. 1991, n. 1, vol. 6, pp. 32-33.

Kennedy, Gilles, Kazuo Ohno. Interview, in "Tokyo Journal", January, 1995, p.18.

Kozel, Susan, Moving beyond the double syntax, in "Dance Theatre Journal", Summer 1996, n. 1, vol. 13, pp. 36-37.

Kuniyoshi, Kazuko, An Overview on Contemporary Japanese Dance Scene, Orientation Seminars on Japan, n.19, The Japan Foundation, Tokyo, 1985.

Kuniyoshi, Kazuko, Performing Arts in Japan Now. Butoh in the Late 1980s, The Japan Foundation, Tokyo, 1991.

Kuniyoshi, Kazuko, Recent Challenge of Butoh, in AA. VV. Jade '93 / Japan Asia Dance Event, Tokyo, 1993, pp. 287-290.

Kurihara, Nanako, The Most Remote Thing in the Universe: Critical Analysis of Hijikata Tatsumi's Butoh, University of New York, New York, 1997.

Kurihara, Nanako, Hijikata Tatsumi: The words of butoh, in "The Drama Review", Spring 2000, n. 1, vol. 44, pp. 12-81.

Kusuhara-Saito, Tomoko, The Past in the Future: Explosion of the Japanese Avant-garde, in AA. VV., Japanese Theatre in the World, Japan Society, New York, 1997, p.77.

Kuwabara, Toshiro, Going back to the origin of life. Interview – Ono Kazuo, in "Nikutaemo", Summer 1996, n. 2, p.3.

Laage, Joan E., Butoh: body on the edge of crisis, in "Dance Research Journal", Fall 1991, n. 2, vol. 23, pp. 34-36.

Laage, Joan E., Embodying the Japanese Dance Movement of Butoh, Texas Woman's University, Texas, 1994.

Lequeux, Alain-Paul, Sankaï Juku: entretien avec Ushio Amagatsu, in "Pour la Danse", Octobre 1982, n. 83, pp. 12-13.

McGee, Micki, Butoh: an avant-garde dance form becomes an institution, in "High Performance", 1986, n. 1, vol. 9, pp. 47-50.

Mauk, Norbert, 'Im Ausland fühle ich mich als Japanerin stärker' : Was veranlasst Butoh-Tänzer, in Europa zu arbeiten?, „Ballett international", May 1992, n. 5, vol.15, pp. 12-13.

Mauk, Norbert, Body sculptures in space: butoh retains its aesthetic relevancy, in "Ballet International", August/September 1994, n. 8/9, pp. 56-59.

Mauk, Norbert, Tanz im Dialog mit der Natur, in „Tanz aktuell", Juli/August, n. 4, vol. 8, 1993, pp. 15-17.

Mitoma, Judy, Butoh: dance of the dark soul. Butoh: shades of darkness, in "Dance Research Journal", Fall 1989, n. 2, vol. 21, pp. 27- 29.

Müller, Katrin Bettina, We just do it, in "Tanz aktuell", December 1991, n. 6, vol. 6, pp. 11-13.

Odenthal, Johannes, Rent-a-body: über die Verkäuflichkeit des eigenen Körpers, in „Tanz aktuell", Dez./Jan. 1989, n. 12, vol. 4, pp. 42-43.

Ohara, Rika, Butoh as another outbreak of japanese paganism, in "High Performance", Summer 1990, vol. 13, pp. 44-45.

Ohno, Kazuo, Goten, sora o tobu. Ohno Kazuo buto no kotoba (Un palazzo vola nel cielo. Parole di Ohno Kazuo sul buto), Shichosha, Tokyo, 1989.

Ohno, Kazuo, Ohno Kazuo - Keiko no kotoba (Ohno Kazuo– Parole dal workshop), Fiurumuatosha, (Film Art Company), Tokyo, 1997.

Ohno, Kazuo, Tamashi no kate (Cibo per l’anima), Fiurumuatosha, (Film Art Company), Tokyo, 1999.

Ohno, Kazuo, Through time in a horse-drawn carriage, in "Ballet International", September 1989, n. 9, pp. 10-13.

Ohno, Kazuo et al., Ohno Kazuo, Seikisha, Tokyo, 1997.

Ohno, Kazuo; Döpfer, Ulrike e Tangerding, Axel, The body is already the universe: dance on the borderlines of death: a conversation with Kazuo Ohno in Yokohama in March 1994, in "Ballet International", August/September 1994, n. 8/9, pp. 52-55.

Ohno, Kazuo e Odenthal, Johannes, Der Mensch ist nicht das Zentrum des Universums: Zum 90sten geburtstag von Kazuo Ohno, in „Ballet International/Tanz Aktuell", November 1996, n. 11, pp. 26-27.

Ortolani, Benito, Il teatro giapponese, Bulzoni, Roma, 1998.

Pavis, Patrice, Du butô, considéré comme du grand-guignol qui a mal tourné, in "Europe Revue Litteraire Mensuelle", Nov-Déc. 1998, n. 76, pp. 200-219.

Philp, Richard, Kazuo Ohno: out of darkness - Butoh, part I, in "Dancemagazine", April 1986, pp. 60-63.

Rotie, Marie-Gabrielle, The reorientation of butoh, in "Dance Theatre Journal", Summer 1996, n. 1, vol. 13, pp. 34-35.

Salerno, Giorgio, Suoni del corpo, segni del cuore. La danza Butô tra Oriente e Occidente, Costa & Nolan, Genova-Milano, 1998.

Sanders, Vicki, Dancing and the dark soul of Japan: an aesthetic analysis of butoh, in "Asian Theatre Journal", Fall 1988, vol. 5., n. 2, pp. 148-163.

Schechner, Richard, Kazuo Ohno doesn’t commute, in "TDR", Summer 1986, vol. 30, n. 2. p. 165.

Schwellinger, Lucia, Die Entstehung des Butoh, Iudicum, München, 1998.

Shigeo, Oyama, Amagatsu Ushio: avant-garde choreographer, in „The Japan Quarterly", 1985, vol. 32, pp. 69-72.

Sikkenga, Harmen, Butoh: dans der duisternis, in "Dans", September 1994, n. 6, vol. 12, pp. 22-23.

Sikkenga, Harmen, De creatie van De Tuinen en de Zee: notities van een choreograaf, in "Dans", 1995, n. 8, vol. 13, pp. 14-16.

Slater, Lizzie, The dead begin to run... Kazuo Ohno and butoh dance, in "Dance Theatre Journal", Winter 1986, vol. 4, n. 4, pp. 6-10.

Stein, Bonnie Sue, Butoh: "Twenty years ago we were crazy, dirty and mad", in "TDR", Summer 1986, vol. 30, n. 2, pp. 107-125.

Stein, Bonnie Sue, Celebrating Hijikata: A Bow to the Butoh Master, in "Dance Magazine", May 1988, pp. 44-47.

Stein, Bonnie Sue, Farmer/Dancer or Dancer/Farmer, in "The Drama Review", Summer 1986, n. 110, pp. 142-151.

Stein, Bonnie Sue, Sankai Juku: out of darkness: butoh, part 2, in "Dancemagazine", April 1986, pp. 64-68.

Tachiki, Takashi (a cura di), Tennin keraku (Diletto celestiale), Seikyûsha, Tokyo, 1993.

Takvorian, Rick, Der Einfluss des Butoh ist überall spürbar: Gedanken zum Thema, in „Ballett international", May 1992, n. 5, vol. 15, pp. 10-11.

Tanaka, Min, I am an avant-garde who crawls the earth. Homage to Tatsumi Hijikata, in "The Drama Review", Summer 1986, n. 110, pp. 153-155.

Tanaka, Min, Min Tanaka and the body weather laboratory, in "Contact quarterly", Spring/summer 1981, n. 3/4, vol. 6, pp. 5-9.

Tanaka, Min et al., The Sea Inside the Skin, Torst, Prague, 1992.

Ueno, Sako, Conflict arises over Hijikata legacy, in "Dance Magazine", 1992, n. 8, pp. 21-21.

Verrièle, Philippe, Maître Kazuo Ohno, in "Les Saisons de la danse", Octobre 1994, n. 261, pp. 39-40.

Viala, Jean e Masson Sekine, Nourit, Butô. Shades of Darkness, Shufunotomo, Tokyo, 1988.

Waguri, Yukio (a cura di), Buto Kaden (Il fiore del buto), Justsystem, Japan, 1998.

Warren, Catherine, Love in the pursuit of the art of death, in "Dance international", Fall 1994, n. 3, vol. 22, pp. 10-17.

Welzien, Leonore, Sehnsucht nach Veränderung: zur tradition und zum Zeitverständnis des Butoh, in "Ballett international", May 1992, n. 5, vol. 15, pp. 14-15.

Welzien, Leonore, Was mich interessiert sind Fragen, in "Tanzdrama Magazin", 1994, n. 25, pp. 4-7.

Wester, Rudi, De schaduw van De Sade, in "Vrij Nederland", Juli 1993, n. 17, pp. 47-48.

Archivio Kazuo Ohno       Kazuo Ohno Archives
Archivio Storico:- ex Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Universita' di Bologna