in collaborazione con

Giovedì 19 Aprile ore 11
Palazzo Marescotti (via Barberia, 4) 

Tradition and Memory in the music of Charles Ives (1874-1954)

Evan Rothstein (Université de Paris VIII)

Giovedì 19 aprile, alle ore 11, il prof. Evan Rothstein, dell'Universitè de Paris VIII, terrà una lezione su Tradition and Memory in the music of Charles Ives (1874-1954) nell'aula Donatoni. Dalle 15, nel Salone Marescotti, il docente terrà uno workshop di musica da camera con vari complessi strumentali.

Since widespread recognition came to Ives late in his life, well after his active career as a composer ended, he has been known primarily as a kind of iconoclastic, experimental "Yankee" composer. This picture is somewhat incomplete. Indeed, although his music is quite obviously filled with elements of the culture with which he grew up, his importance to later avant-garde composers in the United States and Europe has tended to obscure the significance of his apprenticeship with the compositional techniques and values of the Austro-German school. Recent research has helped to replace Ives in his musical and cultural context, and shown that information about his early training and less experimental works sheds new light on his compositional intentions.

Evan Rothstein, nato nel 1960 a New Brunswick nel New Jersey, è musicologo e violinista; risiede a Parigi dal 1989 e tiene regolarmente corsi di musica da camera nella Indiana University a Bloomington. Si occupa di teoria e prassi dell'interpretazione del repertorio cameristico dal Settecento ad oggi, di analisi musicale, di Ives e della musica americana del XX secolo, di teatro musicale contemporaneo (Aperghis, Cage).


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